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Time to Focus Bigger?

The older I get, the more I fiddle with small things that drive me crazy but keep me busy. And I do it with the full knowledge it’s not the best use of my time, below my pay grade, and distracting from big stuff I should be doing.

Over the years, I’ve noticed almost everybody I know does the same thing. I’ve also learned it doesn’t have to do with procrastination as much as getting a quick win and a short-term payoff. Yes, the reward for more significant projects is getting what you want, but check off your list of little stuff is distractingly intoxicating. It makes you feel good all day but keeps you awake a night. 

The solution is to think bigger.

As I work through my day, I focus on the biggest, broadest, and most important mission in my life. Is it family? Is it your health? Do you want to make more money? Is it time to give back more?

When you have a great picture painted in your mind, your mission becomes your focus, and you will do whatever it takes to move closer to that vision. That’s why –

“I work on BIG things I love, not SMALL things that drive me crazy.”

The small stuff is going to get done. If not, it probably doesn’t matter. Big stuff does matter. Imagine the impact you will have on your life and the world by focusing on big?