The Strongest Why Wins

You have no doubt heard that goals require you to understand WHY you’re going after them. 

What’s your WHY? 

The main reason to know WHY is that everything is always more complicated than you initially imagined it would be. Without a strong WHY, you might give up. 

But, many folks forget that your real WHY may be hiding from you.

A mentor of mine asked WHY I was so passionate about building my business based on daily actions. I said, “Because actions are the key to success!”

He didn’t buy my answer. 

“You’re not excited about daily actions. That’s just your process. You get excited about helping people turn every daily action into a transformational experience that gets them the outcome they want.”

Wow! Boom! Bang! KaPOW!

Now, if I’m honest, I already knew that. It’s easy to get caught up in day-to-day living and forget what’s truly driving you. Is it time to remember WHY?