Surviving Holidays with Family

It’s that time of the year!

Millions of folks will soon be heading over the river and through the woods, hoping for a special celebration in the coming months.

In the spirit of good times, here are a few ideas on surviving upcoming conversation bombs:

1) It’s a stressful time of the year. Money. Kids. Travel. Show empathy. It’ll go a long way.

2) If Uncle Bob speaks his mind, it’s time to practice self-control. There is no need to add fuel to the fire by adding your two cents. Smile. Nod. Exit stage right as soon as possible.

3) Show interest in others and redirect conversations back to the person standing in front of you. They will love you even more.

4) Give yourself plenty of space. Don’t fill every moment with others. Take a walk. Sleep late. Enjoy a cup of coffee.

That should take care of almost everything. If not, repeat number four.

As the season approaches, focus on the meaning and celebrate with your heart.