Stop Putting Your Foot in Your Mouth

Do you ever find yourself answering the phone, responding to an email, or posting to Social Media before your brain fully engages?

If you’re like me, you can’t count the number of times you put your foot or your fingers in your mouth and regretted it. 

So what’s the fix?

I worked with a client a few minutes ago in the same situation, and his response was brilliant!


He stopped in his tracks and didn’t respond at all.


He pondered how he felt and why he was about to make a mistake. What was driving it?


As part of his process, he wrote down his feelings, what action he should take, and when he would take it.


The entire process took place within a few minutes. He slept on it and responded with a short email the next day. The result was no added drama and continued positive momentum.

I like to think of this as a ‘Recipe For Me’ that I create in advance and utilize for consistent results. Once I know something works, I must check my recipe, and life is good.

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