Stop Dreaming of Retirement

 A few days ago, I stumbled into a conversation with a young man working behind the counter at a store I visited. It didn’t take long before we knew a lot about each other.

He was a student at Emory Riddle Aeronautics University here in Daytona Beach. I run into a lot of those kids. Being a pilot myself, we instantly bonded. Then he asked a question that caused me to pause…

The Daytona area population is very diverse – with more than a few retired. Since I’m a guy with a bit of gray hair, a couple of wrinkles, and seemingly lots of free time on my hands, he asked…

“Are you retired?”

I shot back, “Not yet – in a couple of years!”

What he said next stopped me in my tracks.

“Does that scare you or excite you?”

I have to say. I don’t get stuck with words very often. But after a few seconds, I said –

“Neither! I love what I do and how my life is going, and I am excited about tomorrow more than today!” 

That’s when he said, “I hope I’m that way when I get older – not to say you’re old.

Always remember –

When you do what makes your heart sing, life gets better.