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Primary Morning Focus

Primary Morning Focus

I love the quiet, peaceful mornings, but I’m not too fond of mornings happening so early.

Still, the focus, creativity, and feeling of momentum that comes with getting up before the chickens have such value that I needed getting up a bit easier. My solution is to drop the complicated and establish a simple routine. 

I begin by deciding the area I’m currently prioritizing and choosing a “first thing” task to move me closer to my goal.

Next, I set myself up for success the night before. Depending on my task, I make notes, organize my desk, and get my gym clothes ready – whatever it takes to prepare.

Finally, when I wake up, I get licked by the dogs, take care of my personal needs, read something inspirational for five minutes or less, and start my day. No distractions. No email, social media, or news. Just start.

My goal is to make my primary focus the first thing I do in the morning before life gets in the way. It works like a charm.

There’s a reason the Marines do more before 9 AM than everybody else. Now it’s your turn.