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Mindset for Success (Part Two)

Let’s continue with a few more mindsets for success:

1) Start using a “Good Enough” approach. Perfectionism is doing nothing to move you forward.

2) Use your ONE mind to do ONE thing. Multitasking is splitting your focus and energy. It’s also delaying your success.

3) Let go of control. Some things are not up to you. Figure out what they are and move on.

4) Say NO to anything that does not directly support your goals. Don’t do something in hopes of getting what you want. Do what you KNOW will get you what you want.

5) Hang out with supportive, positive, and nurturing people. Let toxic people create their own group.

6) Be willing NOT to be liked. If you’re avoiding making folks unhappy, you’re not moving toward your dreams.

7) Focus on the story of YOU. Minimize social media and television. When you do, you also minimize the influence others have on you.