How To Create More Time in Your Day

How To Create More Time in Your Day

How would you like more time in your day – or at least to feel that way?

I hope to enjoy a fantastic weekend that will feel like a month. Like a vacation as a child that seemed to last forever. 

Wouldn’t it be cool to capture that feeling every day?

It is possible to enjoy your own time machine when you understand that time is relative. Your perception of time will determine how you experience your day. 

Try this:

1) Embrace anticipation. Focus your excitement on what is to come instead of what is in the past.

2) Slow down. Being busy for the sake of being busy will make time seem to pass quickly. So will life.

3) Introduced LOTS of sensory input for your mind to ponder. Complex thoughts, colorful visuals, and even music will make it seem like your day is never-ending.

You may not be able to stop the world from spinning faster and faster. That doesn’t mean you have to participate.