Exploring What’s Possible

What if you explored today with full faith and trust that you are following your path, the correct path, and the one that will lead you to everything you desire?

Daily Awareness Diary

Before I begin, I want you to understand that this process is about becoming aware of your present life and using that awareness to have more passion and purpose.

Are You Comfortably Miserable?

Are You Comfortably Miserable?
Are you living a life of comfortable misery?
It’s easy to settle into day-to-day that is different from what you want. It’s not bad. It’s not good.
Are you making barely enough income to be comfortable but still struggle?
Is your job okay but not inspiring?
Are your relationships fine but not fueling your dreams?
Most folks are living comfortably miserably. Don’t let that be you. 
Change your path now. Decide to accept nothing less than exactly what you want. Stand up, take a step, and repeat. The rest will work itself out. That’s a promise.

Blow Things Up With Creative Destruction

Think of ‘creative Destruction’ as renovating an old kitchen. Instead of spending months on futile repairs, remove what’s obstructing your path and create a direct route to your dreams.

Standing In Cement?

The only way to live the life you’ve always wanted is to believe in your WHY and take your first step as soon as you can see the other side.

Accepting Your Passion

Accepting your passion and deciding to make it a day-to-day reality will make today the best day of your life. 

Opportunity Discrimination

It’s easy to look at almost any opportunity and justify a path, especially if you are being persuaded by someone else. It’s more difficult to make a choice.