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Don’t Let a Good Crisis Go to Waste

Much to our surprise, life slowed to a crawl, schedules changed, and we found contentment by not chasing every shiny object that life presented. The pandemic pause caused people to reevaluate life from the inside out. While it happens all the time, this time, we noticed it.

Get What You Want

The second client told me they had completed a new project over the weekend and were heading in a new direction. When I mentioned they had never said a word to me about it, they said, “I know. I’m learning that nobody needs to know what I’m doing to do it. I’ll do it, and they can catch up.”

Increase Momentum in Your Life

We’ve all been in situations where nobody will return your call. Your email gets ghosted. You can’t get support or commitment for your future world-saving plans.

Increasing Productivity

In Brian Tracy’s book Eat The Big Frog First, he recognized that many people focus on anything but the most critical activity in their life. They are usually surprised when things fall apart.

The Magic of Anticipation

Remember those special events from your childhood that filled you with such excitement that you could barely contain it? The ones that kept you buzzing all day and even stole your sleep at night. 

Give Up Dreams to Get Dreams

Over the years, I’ve found that folks tend to ACT and DO what serves them best. And they do it while dreaming and planning for something else.

Are Your Friends Holding You Back?

If they are positive, you will be positive. Are they negative? You will be negative. If they have money, you will have money. Are they broke?  

Success at The Highest Level

Whether it’s the best Mom or Dad, excelling in your career, or winning at the game or sport of your choice. Being the best always comes down to: