Uncover and Discover YOUR Passion! (HERE!)

Can I ask you a question?

Sure. It’s a math question. If you eliminate 80% of your current activities that keep you from doing the 20% of what you love, you get to do more of what you love. 

Passionate Life Laws

The path to all success is well-worn. Follow the path that others have blazed. Your dreams are waiting.

Courage to Face Your Passion

Most folks fall on the way to their dreams because they don’t move, move at the wrong time, or move too fast. That’s why it’s time to build your bridge once you know what you want.

Get Your Brain to Focus Better

Over the years, I’ve noticed almost everybody I know does the same thing. I’ve also learned it doesn’t have to do with procrastination as much as getting a quick win and a short-term payoff. Yes, the reward for more significant projects is getting what you want, but checking off your list of little stuff is distractingly intoxicating. It makes you feel good all day but keeps you awake at night.  

Living a Scripted Life

While I love a good spontaneous day, I’ve learned that the more scripted and predictable my day, the less stress I have and the more I get done. All that means is that I know what I’ll be doing throughout the day, when I’ll be doing it, and what time I’m done for the day. Frankly, I can usually tell you what I’ll be doing weeks in advance. Maybe that’s why I never need to check my calendar when somebody asks me when I’m available for a meeting. I already know because everything is already in place.

Zig Ziglar Classic Lesson

Most people continue to another level some call “Conscious competence of unconscious competence.” The ability to recognize and develop Unconscious Competence in others.

Let The World Do What it Does

“I pay attention to MY agenda first. When I cross paths with the agendas of others, it doesn’t have to be my way or the highway, but I must continue to live the life I desire and get the results.

Let The World Do What it Does

As long as you know what you want in life, getting it is a matter of moving forward a little bit every day and staying on track.

Live Your Purpose

Accepting real purpose is usually revealed by your daily actions. If you don’t like the direction you are heading, it’s time to try a new one.