Uncover and Discover YOUR Passion! (HERE!)

You Will Change When You Get Tired

Many have said, “Life is a marathon, not a sprint.”  But what happens when you find yourself doing both at the same time?  If you’ve been living on this planet for any length of time, you’ve figured out life is a long game made of day-to-day sprints.  If you want a big bank balance, you […]

Your Default Life

There is a myth floating around that life is more fun when you are spontaneous. That can be true some of the time, but not all of the time. If you want to be happier, more successful, and make life easier, it’s time to live in Default Mode.  In other words, figure out what works […]

BIG ASS GOAL Qualifier

Ever wondered if your goal is really a BIG goal? Run it through the BIG ASS GOAL Qualifier and see what happens. Big Ass Goal Definition Only goals that make your heart beat faster deserve to be BIG ASS GOALS. What makes this goal larger, more exciting, and scarier? How is it challenging but not […]

Waking Up to Gratitude

I woke up this morning with an incredible zest to expand my feeling of gratefulness. Well, there is not so much to expand as to recognize all the things I am grateful for but haven’t thought about lately. That’s the thing about living in a fast-paced world where our daily activities, big and small, fly […]

Productivity Strategies

Do you find yourself needing to get more done? You might consider creating more productivity. The first rule of being more productive is deciding what is important to you. The second rule is to take control of your day.  A few simple adjustments can change everything: 1) Say, “Yes” to yourself before you say it […]

Obstacles Into Opportunity

Have you ever wondered how much easier things would be if you didn’t have to think so much? What if the future or your past didn’t matter? Imagine if you didn’t worry about the possessions, success, or drama of others. What would happen if you believed that YOU were in control?   Now, you are […]

Become The Person You Are Meant to Be

People have always sought change for themselves, their lives, or the world. If you want to change something about your life, there is a constant truth: You must change before anything else changes. Many intelligent folks agree – Mahatma Gandhi said, “Be the change you wish to see in the world.” Leo Tolstoy, “Everyone thinks […]

Figuring Out Your Purpose

Over the years, the most popular question I get from the MOVERS around here is – “How do I find my purpose and face my passion?” If I were to expand on that question, it would be – “What can I do today to find my purpose and overcome the fear of living my passion?” […]

Your WHY Doesn’t Need to Be First

As a baby DJ in broadcast school, I spent a lot of time learning how to talk over the intros of songs while eating pizza and talking with teenage girls—that was my major. But I also learned a few things about journalism—just in case I needed to use my news announcer voice.

You Must Give Something Up to Get More

Everybody is always talking about getting more of what they want – but they’re not getting it. Why?  Because they keep adding to the stuff they already have —