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You Were Born to Do YOU

It’s okay be yourself. I promise that nobody is judging you. If fact, they are most likely waiting for you to show up.

Stoic Rules For a Happy Life

300 BC, political life was driving people crazy. To calm the masses, several schools of philosophy popped up. Stoicism still resonates powerfully today.

Mapping: Your Success System

What you need is M.A.P.S.S. – a system that gets thinking out of the way and focuses on actions in four areas:

Thriving in Modern Times. It’s Easy.

Modern times are exciting, and when it comes to living a long life, people either think life is too short or long. If you do things correctly, long enough is the best answer, but 200 years ago, most folks didn’t have the luxury of thinking about things like that.

Building Your Bridge to Happiness

Most folks fall on the way to their dreams because they don’t move, move at the wrong time, or move too fast. That’s why it’s time to build your bridge once you know what you want.

Life is Happier With Values

An immense frustration for most folks is feeling like other people are getting in the way. That will stop the very instant you begin to live according to your Values as you work toward your Goals.

Traditions Are Happiness

Traditions are the secret sauce behind our emotional connection at this time of year. Family get-togethers, office gatherings, crazy shopping crowds?