The Gift of Making a Decision

While that way of thinking may seem out of touch today, it’s not. It happens daily for millions of people worldwide, and it can happen to you, too.

All You Need is ONE Goal

I didn’t think this way for much of my life, but one day, I accepted that no matter what I was chasing, it was the “who I would become in my life and how do I get there” thoughts constantly rolling around in my head. 

Why Slow is Fast and Fast is Slow.

It happened right before the Daytona Speedway and got me thinking about the advice I give my clients about slowing down. It goes like this –

Expectations in Love And Everything

When I first met my wife, Joi, I knew we would be married and live happily ever after. But there was a problem. Joi didn’t see it that way – at least not right away. If life has taught me anything, almost nobody is on the same page when they first meet. We might be […]

Exploring Your Possibilities

What do I want to be when I grow up?  The first time you ask yourself that question is when you are very young – if you ever asked it at all. Frankly, somebody else usually asks you, and you probably don’t have an answer, so you just take off running with this thing called […]

Be a Really Good Quitter

Have you ever heard someone say, “It’s good to be a quitter?” Probably not. But today, it’s worth reconsidering what it means to be a good quitter. Quitting isn’t about taking the easy way out. It’s a strategic decision, a smart move when your efforts are leading you nowhere or when progress has come to […]

Simple Steps to Success

Here’s the world’s simplest formula for success: Stand up, take a step, and repeat! One of our members asked how to put this straightforward advice into action. Here’s a five-minute daily practice that can transform your life: Pause and Find Your Space: Stop what you’re doing. Find a quiet spot where you won’t be disturbed […]

Life is Happier With Values

Do you ever feel like others are constantly getting in your way?  That frustration disappears the moment you start living by your own Values while working toward your Goals. Here’s a simple recipe for making every moment of your day more fulfilling: Know and Live Your Values: Understand your core values and make a commitment […]

Stop Procrastination With a Question

Are you a member of the Procrastination Club?  Procrastination is the intentional and habitual postponement of an essential task that you should be doing.  Is that what you are doing?  In my view, three things could be happening if you procrastinate – It may be possible that you are not procrastinating at all? Instead, you […]

Turns Dreams Into Reality

Do you have long-held dreams and goals that require little motivation to get yourself moving? Laura and I have worked together for over a decade on various projects. Her latest was a move from a long-time career into something she was in which she was more passionate. After several months, her dream transformed into a […]