Decision-Making Accelerator

No matter what you desire in your life, everything starts as a thought in your mind. It will demand your attention. You have three options: 1) Deny it and keep moving. 2) Accept it and put it into action. 3) Delay it and drive yourself crazy. Deny it. Deal with it. Delay it. The quality […]

Questions To Ponder

Focus is important as you move forward.  Answering these questions will help: 1) What do you want to do? 2) What do you want to have? 3) Where do you want to go? 4) What contribution do you want to make? 5) What do you want to become? 6) What do you want to learn? […]

Always a Way

When life gets in the way, do you get frustrated about being blocked?   I used to be that way. Something changed. I learned a long time ago that getting blocked was going to be an everyday occurrence. And, the bigger my goals, the more blocks would arrive. I could live with endless frustrations – or […]

Get What You Want

I just got off the phone with a client. We were chatting about getting moving. She said, “That’s the hardest part! I need help getting off my butt.” She’s not alone.  Getting what you want comes down to pure physics: 1) An object at rest stays at rest, and an object in motion stays at […]

More Opportunity

Do you sometimes feel stuck and overwhelmed? Feeling as if there is nothing you can do? It happens to everybody. You are not alone. However, people who break free understand three things: 1) Everything in life is temporary. Good or bad, nothing lasts forever. 2) No matter how stuck you feel, there is always more […]

3 Steps to Stay Motivated

I wondered why I couldn’t always have my way as a child. Mom and Dad were so mean! I couldn’t wait to grow up, move out, and experience being an adult. Everything would be different – or so I thought. After stepping into the adult world, it didn’t take long to realize that not much […]

Your Productive Morning Routine

I love the quiet, peacefulness of mornings, but I’m not too fond of mornings happening so early. Still, the focus, creativity, and feeling of momentum that come with getting up before the chickens have such value that I needed to make it a bit easier. My solution is to drop the complicated and establish a […]

Give Your Life a Happy Ending

If you could write a book about the person you have become today, would it have a happy ending? A good portion of my day is spent interacting with clients worldwide. They are usually upbeat, open to problem-solving, and seeking my advice to help them. Or, as they would say, “Help me get out of […]

Are You Living Somebody Else’s Dreams?

All I have ever wanted to do is have fun, impact people mostly positively, make them laugh, have a great family and friends, make some money, and not take life too seriously.   Simple enough.  But in the overly complicated and widely distracting monkey-see-monkey-do world, it’s easy to get what you want and still end up […]

Successful People Actions

If you study people who have succeeded in any area of their lives, you will find they have much in common.  Not only do they follow a set of rules, but they also follow those rules no matter how much life gets in the way. What are those rules? The person who has the strongest […]