Are You Choosing a Word For The Year?

Around this time every year, people begin to declare to me the WORD they have chosen to guide their lives for the following year.  I like words – especially when combined with wisdom and a few wisecracks – but that might be just me.  Still, I’m always amazed at how excited people get and how […]

Rules For a Happy Life

In 300 BC, political life was driving people crazy. To calm the masses, several schools of philosophy popped up. Stoicism still resonates powerfully today. 1. Don’t enslave yourself to annoying people. 2. Choose reasonable expectations. 3. Pre-meditate those expectations. 4. You are a mind that is operating a bag of chemicals you call a body. […]

The Gift of Free Will

When will you get to do what you want to do?  More people than you know lose sleep over that question. If that sounds like something you have experienced, you’re not alone.  Almost everybody begins their journey when a thought pops into their mind. Then, day-to-day life keeps them busy, and they spend frustrating months […]

Are You Listening To Your Calling

I’m not sure how you feel about the Universe and how things work in the world, but does the Universe speak to you? I can’t tell you if the ‘Universe’ stands alone or if ‘God’ created the ‘Universe’ and runs the show. That’s above my pay grade.  What I can say is this.  We live […]

Living Your 9-Year Life Cycle

My friend, Louis Gates, taught me about the 9-year life cycle a few years ago. It’s an easy way to get what you want using the Law of Attraction.  9-year cycles begin the day you are born and repeat throughout your life. Happiness is as simple as paying attention to your cycle – and asking […]

The Best To-Do List EVER!

I’m sure you have a lot to do today. You’re probably in for a busy day if you use a traditional To-Do list. If I may, I’d like to pass on some advice to make your days much more fun. LOSE your “To-Do List.” Replace it with a “Did I Do It List.”   Of course, […]

How to Make The Law of Attraction Work

The Law of Attraction should be called the Law of What You Think About Most. Like attracts like, what you think about, you get.  If you think, “I won’t get it because I never do,” – you are correct. Dreaming of something new while focusing on current problems is a sure way to keep spinning […]

It’s Time To Explore What’s Possible

I’ve spent the last couple of days saying things like — “What do you do when you are doing you, and your purpose is to find your purpose?” Now, I realize that something so simple is also something most people will ignore.  I also realized that for some people, as soon as they begin reading […]

Say YES to Yourself More This Year

Do you ever wish you had a less complicated life?   Even if your job and life are overcomplicated out of necessity, like launching a rocket or performing brain surgery, you can still simplify everything. How do you do it? Your actions in your life and your job are probably not causing the overwhelm. It’s the […]

Happiness Doesn’t Require Permission

My friend Sid called to tell me he had found his next big thing. He decided to take flying lessons and couldn’t wait to get started. After hearing my Mom’s stories over the years, I have always wanted to learn to fly. Her father was a contractor in Wilmington, North Carolina. When an airport client […]