Why You Should Set Impossible Goals

I recently attended a conference where I enjoyed a presentation by Psychologist Dr. Benjamin Hardy. Honestly, I’ve been a fan of his work for a couple of years and am familiar with most of his working concepts.
This time… one stood out.
In my day-to-day work, it’s not uncommon for clients to struggle with narrowing a goal to one with enough meaning to propel them into action.
In most cases, it’s a struggle between the important and the impossible.
A goal must be important enough to excite you, but that can also make it seem impossible and scare you. But that’s what you want and need.
According to Dr. Hardy, when you limit your goals to only the most important and almost impossible from where you are today, you are forced to use a very tight filter to figure out how to make it happen.
In other words, taking random action will not help you reach an impossible goal.
Only a highly filtered, very disciplined, and nearly surgical approach will make it happen. If you are doing anything else, your goal isn’t big enough.
Instead of go big or go home, go big and figure it out is the way to success.