What’s Your Word?

Around this time every year, successful people are planning next year and many, declare to me the WORD they have chosen to guide their life.I like words – especially when combined with wisdom and a few wisecracks – but that might be just me.Still, I’m always amazed at how excited people get and how much they believe their WORD will guide them into the next year.I’m jealous. I need a WORD, too – and that’s where the trouble begins.I can’t imagine choosing a single word to represent 365 days of getting after it. However, having a WORD is an emotional trigger and fires neurons in your brain to keep you moving, so why can’t my WORD be several WORDS?Just like magic – they arrived…Simple. Sophisticated. Focused. Automated. Delegated. Deleted. Ritualistic.It’s a little Stoic, and a lot of Scott LOGIC – it works for me.Still… I missed one. And it turned out to be the GLUE that held all those other words together.Resilient. That’s the key to success.If you could use an emotional supercharger, choose a WORD… or WORDS for next year… and see how everything goes your way.