Living Your 9-Year Lifecycle

My friend, Louis Gates, taught me about the 9-year life cycle a few years ago. It’s an easy way to get what you want using the Law of Attraction. 9-year cycles begin the day you are born and repeat throughout your life. Happiness is as simple as paying attention to your cycle – and asking for what you want.In year 1, start asking for a new purpose in life. It will reveal itself in year 2. Your focus will tighten.Things start moving in year 3. You’ll enjoy the changes happening in your life. You accelerate in the direction of your purpose in year 4.Years 5 and 6 are for evaluation. You decide to focus on only what is working in your life. Years 7 and 8 are about letting go. You begin to remove all clutter from your life. When 9 years roll around, your mind begins to ponder the next phase of your life. The process continues. Where are you in your cycle?